Prop A

Reaffirms our commitment to fund the maintenance and repair of city streets

Prop B

Incorporates city under council manager form of government and establishes boundaries

Prop C

Establishes general powers of the city including annexation and disannexation

D through Q

They reduce oversight, transparency, and accountability by:

* Allowing council to fill vacancies without voter input
* Removing consent of city council in hiring department heads
* Eliminating the city council’s ability to hire and supervise the City Finance Director
* Doubling term limits from 2 to 4 years and restarting 8 year term limits for sitting commissioners (keeping them on the commission beyond the voter approved 8 years)
* Placing oversight of the Police Department solely in the hands of the city manager
* Limiting and removing key oversight functions and authority of the elected council
* Giving broad authority to create debt without voter approval

An old charter is better than a bad charter. We must preserve the checks and balances in our city government.